Be a Part of the Solution

Elevate Your Sustainability Journey

Achieve your net-zero goals and beyond with our comprehensive carbon asset management.

Integrated Carbon Solutions

We integrate cutting-edge technology with expert carbon management for streamlined, transparent sustainability solutions.

Global Sustainability Vision

We exemplify sustainable excellence, centred on achieving global environmental goals.

Customised & Diverse Solutions

We deliver flexible, tailored sustainability solutions, catering to both corporate and individual environmental goals.

About us

At Encoraa ESG, we are dedicated to helping organisations meet and exceed their carbon neutrality targets. Our comprehensive range of services focuses on managing carbon assets effectively, guiding companies towards carbon positivity, and aligning with the United Nations sustainability goals. We do not simply pursue compliance; rather, we aspire to excel in environmental responsibility.

360° Paradigm of Sustenance

Eco-sustenance of Tree Planting, Transplanting, and Tracking Services
Nurture sustainability with our comprehensive tree-related services,
including tree planting, transplanting, and meticulous tracking and
verification. Our Miyawaki Afforestation initiatives create thriving green...
Comprehensive Consulting on Assessment of Carbon-negative 
Gain insights into your carbon-negative journey with our comprehensive
consulting services, identifying areas for emission reduction and carbon neutrality.
Empower your organisation to take proactive steps in achieving...

Verticals Served

Encoraa ESG is at the forefront of driving change in various sectors. From nature-based offsets in renewables and afforestation to creating significant impacts in the food and beverage industry, our projects speak volumes of our commitment to a sustainable future.

EV Charging Industry
Food & Beverage
Agro Products
Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals

Why Choose Us?

Expert Sustainability Guidance

Gain invaluable sustainability guidance from our team of experts, known for their industry-leading expertise in carbon asset management and best practices.

Maximised Carbon Offset Impact

Unlock the full potential of carbon offsets, meeting global standards for maximum environmental benefit.

Emphasis on Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Set science-based sustainability goals, grounded in rigorous research for impactful results.

Data-driven Sustainability

Utilise cutting-edge technology stacks, including data lakes, cloud, SaaS, cybersecurity, and ERP solutions for precise data management.

Certifications Made Easy

Facilitate Guarantee of Origin Certification (for EU), Renewable Energy Certificate (for North America)

Transparent Compliance

Ensure continuous compliance with international and regional sustainability regulations, with transparent monitoring and reporting.

Comprehensive Carbon
Emissions Management

At Encoraa ESG, we address carbon emissions on multiple fronts through a holistic approach.

Scope 1
Direct GHG Emissions (Source)

We assist in identifying, quantifying, and managing direct emissions from your operations, helping you reduce your carbon footprint at the source.

Scope 2
Indirect GHG Emissions (Electricity)

Our services extend to managing indirect emissions related to electricity consumption, ensuring you adopt sustainable energy practices.

Scope 3
Other Indirect GHG Emissions (Includes Supply Chain)

We help you navigate the complexities of supply chain emissions, allowing you to track and mitigate the environmental impact of your entire value chain.

Our comprehensive carbon emissions management ensures that no aspect of your carbon footprint goes
unaddressed, enabling you to make informed decisions and progress towards your sustainability goals.

Tailored Sustainability Solutions

B2B: Repository Platform

Our business-to-business platform provides a robust repository for efficient carbon credit management and compliance, supporting organisations in their sustainability journey.

B2C: Individual Footprint App

For individuals, we offer a user-friendly app to track and reduce personal carbon footprints, promoting environmental awareness and responsible choices.

Xchange: CenZex

Explore CenZex, our cutting-edge carbon trading exchange, facilitating carbon credit transactions and enabling sustainable investments.

Assessments & Audits

ENCORAA ESG enables entities to strategize, align, acquire certifications, clearances, maintain compliance with key standards:

AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS v3)

Gold Standards

Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)

VERRA & SD VISta (Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard) 

Global Carbon Council (GCC)

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Integrated Reporting Framework (IR)

IFTS (Accounting) & ISSB (Sustainability) - {Entity Consolidated & Merged with Value Reporting Foundation (VRF); Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB); Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB)} (Engineered Carbon) & Cercarbono

ICROA (International Carbon Reduction and Offsetting Accreditation)

Compliance and Credits in




Explore Your Sustainable Future